International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference
Albena, Bulgaria
28 June - 7 July 2019
event details
Albena, Bulgaria
28 June - 7 July 2019
event details
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May 2019
The Venezuelan Government has agreed to pay Canadian junior Rusoro Mining a $1.3bn settlement for the seizure of its gold projects in 2011, which breached obligations under the Canada-Venezuela Bilateral Investment Treaty. We find out what’s next for the company’s projects in the country now that operations could resume.
We also check in on emerging projects, including a controversial copper mine in the Arctic Circle approved by Norway and a potash project Eritrea.
In technology, we catch up with an IBM project exploring the use of wearable health trackers to monitor miners’ safety , and speak to biotech company BRAIN about its new BioXtractor copper extraction technology.
Plus, we speak to legal experts about the complex issue of corporate liability for mining companies with subsidiaries in different countries, and find out how countries are using unusual tax incentives to attract mining companies.
Commissioning Editor
Daniel Garrun
Scarlett Evans, Heidi Vella
Magazine Designer
Ashley McPherson
Graphic Designers
Anett Arc, Paulius Zutautas, Kate Cuntapay, Sara Basto, Marzia Del Gaone, Tyrrell Lowe, Noemi Balint
Lead Designer
John Hammond
Susanne Hauner
Digital Publishing Director
Duncan West
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