Do you model tailings deposition?
Do you operate a tailings dam?
You NEED Rift TD
Rift TDis an advanced and easy to use 3D Digital Terrain Model developed to model tailings deposition. Your time is valuable; use Rift TD to rapidly and accurately assess deposition scenarios and their impact on supernatant ponds.
Model point, upstream, downstream and centre line deposition. Import DXF data files, ASCII survey points or CSV comma delimited files to easily generate surfaces.
Use Rift TD for all stages of tailings facility management and monitoring, from initial options assessment to conceptual design and detailed staging. Rift TD is not reliant on any other software. Rift TD is modelling made easy.

Rift TD allows you to easily model:
- Tailings flow down valleys and around obstacles
- Non-linear beach profiles
- Multiple deposition node and/or line and/or path definitions
- Supernatant ponds by volume or elevation
- Deposition points that move automatically in space

Rift TD provides multiple model support and DTM functionality to:
- Generate toe points from a string
- Interpolate nodes along strings
- Triangulate nodes to form surfaces
- Perform cut and fill calculations
- Merge models

Rift TD offers powerful tools to assist with model development, including:
- Embankment Wizard – model embankments, analyse and calculate volumes
- Pond Wizard – rapidly develop pond volume/area/elevation curves
- Longitudinal section extraction
- Cross-section extraction
- Three-dimensional model viewing

GET RESULTS FAST! - Use the right tool to evaluate options quickly and easily
EFFECTIVELY MANAGE YOUR OPERATIONS: Use Rift TD for all stages of development - from initial assessments to detailed staging life of facility development - to make better management decisions
IMPRESS YOUR CLIENTS: Create professional graphics and animations to enhance communication of results
EXPORT DATA to OTHER FORMATS: Easily export models to Google Earth (KML) format to view models in location
LEARN TO USE QUICKLY: Begin generating models immediately, with consistent support from our team

How to Get Rift TD
Visit today to download your Free Trial of the latest version of Rift TD and to view licensing options. Purchase at a fraction of the cost of other packages. Rift TD is constantly evolving. Take advantage of annual maintenance to receive constant support and the latest improvements and new features.
Contact us for modelling support and additional training needs.
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