Every Aspect Covered

As a client this is what I expected from consultants. As consultants it is what we expect to deliver. Aspect has been established to provide advisory and compliance services to public and private clients.

Our experience has come from over 70 combined years of working with the water, energy, resources, and industrial private and public infrastructure sectors in Australia, New Zealand, Africa and South East Asia.

We believe environment and safety integrates into all aspects of business processes and are used as a driver to improve reliable systems and enhance productivity, engagement, efficiency and quality.

Our resume includes:

  • Policy and Guidelines
  • Due diligence and Compliance auditing
  • EMS Preparation and Review
  • Planning Approval and EIA
  • Licensing
  • AEMR / MOP
  • Security Reviews
  • Mine closure plans and EMPs
  • WHS strategy, policy and plans
  • Safety leadership
  • ‘Peer to peer’ safety
  • WHS Management systems
  • Risk management
  • ICAM accident / incident investigations
  • Current State Analysis assessments
  • HSE audits, project health checks, HSEQ inspections

Aspect Environment

Suite 117 / 25 Solent Circuit

Baulkham Hills NSW 2153

Richard Johnson: ​​​​​​​+61 0409 051 535
Richard Swift: +61 0448 977 933



Mine Closure Plan – Comet Vale

Client: Hillgrove Resources

Preparation of a mine closure plan for a Hillgrove Resources site in northern NSW. The document detailed the site background, closure and lease relinquishment procedures, management strategies to enhance site stability and reduce generation of acid mine drainage. The closure plan adopted a risk based approach to complement the assessment and verification of achieved closure criteria and recommended a monitoring program to enable performance to be progressively assessed.

Rehabilitation options for mine closure objectives were developed through primary consultation with the Department of Industry and Investment NSW, the landowner and the leaseholder as well as general consultation with DECCW and the Local Council. Options were assessed and reviewed through a multi-criteria analysis process which enabled confirmation of the preferred option and refined the subsequent risk-based approach to achieve regulator, leaseholder and landowner satisfaction.

Managed mine rehabilitation works. All onsite works and reporting were completed in accordance with the Mining Operations Plan for Mine Closure and the Mining Lease conditions.

Email: Richard Johnson (richard@aspectenvironmental.com.au)
Phone: 0409 051 535

Key Aspects

  • Development Consent for mining activity.
  • Mine Closure plan.
  • Management of site rehabilitation earthworks, contractors and access arrangements.
  • Site Monitoring and reporting.
  • Mine Manager.
  • SWMS and site safety auditing.
  • Coordination of site earthworks contractors.
  • Agency liaison (DPI, EPA and Council).
  • Rehabilitation Cost Estimate (security calculation) and Rehabilitation Review.


Environmental Due Diligence: REVY

Client: Google

Environmental due diligence of the target acquisition site (REVY) in Pyrmont, Sydney on behalf of Google.

Email: Richard Swift (swiftr@aspectenvironmental.com.au)
Phone: 0448 977 933

Key Aspects

  • In response to Google’s requirement, the EDD was carefully expedited and accurately identified the environmental and H&S risks inherent to the site.  This enabled Google to manage their risk by taking appropriate immediate corrective action at the time of taking possession of the site.


Blair Athol Mine – Independent Environmental Audit

Client: Orion Mining

Preparation of an independent 3rd party audit of the compliance of the Blair Athol Mine’s environmental performance against the issued Environmental Regulated Activity permit for the mine.

Email: Richard Johnson (richard@aspectenvironmental.com.au)
Phone: 0409 051 535

Key Aspects

The audit was undertaken by Richard Johnson as the Lead Auditor and involved:

  • review of above ground works, mine infrastructure, environmental performance, training, management, monitoring and reporting in accordance with the site’s ERA permit.


Remediation Project – Hunter River

Client: BHP Billiton

Project director and approvals coordinator for the initial stages of the remediation project being undertaken on the Southern Arm of the Hunter River in the Port of Newcastle.

Coordinated the preparation of licence approvals and modifications to existing consents for the project.

Email: Richard Johnson (richard@aspectenvironmental.com.au)
Phone: 0409 051 535

Key Aspects

  • 150+ approval requirements from regulatory agencies (including Department of Planning, DECCW, Maritime NSW) for the extraction, onshore storage and treatment and disposal to dedicated landfill of approximately 780,000 m3 of contaminated sediments resulting from steel processing operations.
  • Three workscope components for river dredging, onshore treatment, and dedicated encapsulated disposal on Kooragang Island
  • Preparation of suite of management plans


Environmental Management & Rehabilitation – White Bay Power Station Site

Client: Confidential Client

Site inspection and assessment of building and soil risks from previous land use.

Coordination of technical specialists to undertake desktop and field investigations to inform remediation planning and quantification of site environmental, health and safety risk and cost analysis.

LIaison and coordination with multidisciplinary team of engineers, property/facility managers, contaminated site and occupational hygienists and Proponents. Stakeholder interaction with regulatory agencies also undertaken.

Preparation of technical and remediation specifications. Advise on contractual requirements and technical specifications.

Key Aspects

  • Provision of advisory and site assessment advice on presence of potentially hazardous materials in-ground and within built structures.
  • Cost estimation for remediation measures
  • Preparation of Preliminary Remediation Action Plan
  • Identification of concurrent planning pathways for approvals


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